List of some important publications by the faculty of MSIT


Journal publication

Conference publication


  • DST-SERB project under TARE scheme on "Physicochemical Investigations of the binding interactions of NHE inhibitors (Rimeporide, Amiloride and Cariporide) with APOE3/APOE4 isoforms of human APOE gene” - 18.30 Lakh INR (2019-20 *extended)
  • AICTE MODROBS Scheme “Upgradation of Soft computing/Multimedia Lab ” - 10.43 Lakh INR(2019-20)
  • DST Project “Automatic Pain Intensity Detection by Analyzing the Facial Expressions Caused Due to Pain” - 4.52 lakh INR (2018-19)
  • AICTE MODROBS Scheme “Upgradation of existing network lab” - 3.64 Lakh INR (2017-18)
  • IEEE MTT project “Reconfigurable smart broadband Antenna for wireless Communication Devices” – 1500USD (2016-17)


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