Student Section
The foundation of socio-economic development of a country is the education of its youth in general and technical education in particular. Technical education is an instrument which uses the tools of science and makes the natural resources available for the people at large. Therefore the institutes which are providing technical education to the Indian youth are playing important role in the development of this country The history of development of technical education in India dates back to 1847 when first engineering college ,Thomson College of Engineering which later became IIT Rookee .was established by Britishers at Roorkee in Uttar Pradesh The growth of technical institutes during British India was slow but after independence socio-economic development became the priority program of our planners and leaders. Consequently large number of technical institutes have been started by the Central and State Govts including Indian Institutes of Technology, Indian Institutes of Information Technology and National Institutes of Technology. Besides this large number of Private Technical Institutes have been set up across the country Unfortunately profit motives of number of private operators have adversely affected the quality of technical education rendering large number of graduating students from such institutions unemployable. Ours is also a non-government institute established and run by Surajmal Memorial Education Society which aims to create centers of excellence to educate and produce technically competent graduates to meet emerging requirements of dynamics of development market, government or private. The strategy of the Society to achieve this goal is reflected in the following aspects of its work culture:
l. No profit making from its Institute.
2. Strictly follow the standards and norms prescribed by AICTE & Affiliating University regarding infrastructure and faculty including their numbers, salary and other facilities.
3. Appointment of qualified and competent faculty and provide environment for their development and academic growth as the Society considers that good teachers produce good students.
4. Extra course inputs to students commensurate with market requirement, Inculcate discipline and moral values among students.
6. Strong and effective mechanism for placement.
7. Transparency in all aspects of working.
This work culture has its own reward. Today our 100% graduating students are getting placement in reputed companies of the country and they are earning name and fame by their competence and hard work MSIT is now recognized as an important centre of technical education and is marching ahead to become one of the premier technical institutes of the country.
Kaptan Singh
Surajmal Memorial Education Society
It makes me very happy to get in touch with you through the website.
In the times of arduous competition we are moving forward with a vision of holistic development of our students as a technical professional who will not only contribute with their knowledge and skills to the field engineering but also add value to the social life at large with their educated and sensitive thoughts and action. We believe that proper education is related to the exposure to new techniques and methods and a conducive atmosphere, therefore we have made continuous effort towards upgrading our infrastructure and quality of education. We are proud to have well equipped Labs and seminar halls, a rich library, well built hostels, a sizable auditorium, to cater to the various pedagogical and accommodative requirements of our students. Our keenness on multifarious development of our faculty and students can be seen in our extensive organization of various academic and technical programs for them. Every year a number of faculty development programs are organized across departments for the professional growth of our teaching community. Besides, many expert lectures by distinguished academicians from IIT Delhi and other reputed technical organizations, are routinely arranged. A fundamental requirement of any good institute is a well developed Information System to ensure monitoring and evaluation of key indicators, and to provide information critical to all concerned.
Our institute website aims at an easy access to all relevant information about the institute and I hope that the masses find the information included in the website useful.
Ajit Singh
Surajmal Memorial Education Society
The new website is only a feather in the cap of the robust technical and communicative infrastructure of Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology. This website will serve as a strong medium to show case our attributes and achievements by virtue of which we enjoy a great reputation amongst the leading colleges and institutes affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.
Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology has acquired and earned a coveted name and fame over a period of time and has become one of the most admired and preferred centre of academic excellence in the field of engineering and technology for all round integrated professional growth to match and meet the technological needs of the country. We aim to provide our students a composite and comprehensive technical education for a satisfying and professional career in life. To achieve this, we take care from the very beginning quality class room, teaching by trend, competent and qualified faculty members with exposure to the application of concepts through lab experiments, industrial visits and expert lectures of eminent personalities and experts in their field of specialization. Besides, we provide congenial atmosphere to the students for their all round enhancement of inter-personal communication skills.
I am sure that the website will enable a better transmission of relevant information to the various stakeholders of the institute which will help in building up and strengthening the relationship among them and ensure success of our institute.
Rajpal Singh Solanki
Surajmal Memorial Education Society
CSE, IT, ECE and EEE departments of the institute have been accreditated with NBA.
Nominations invited for various student committees of Avensis 2019
Episod for India First Leadership Talk with Prof. Anil D. Sahasrabudhe
Fee Arrear Notice for students admitted in 2015-16 (Revised)
Examination Center for End-Term Theory Examinations April-May 2019
Revised schedule for 2nd round counselling for management quota admissions
List of students admitted in first counselling (11/08/2019) of management quota
List of LE students reported for admission in management quota
List of LE students admitted in MQ after final round of counselling
List of students admitted in MQ after final round of counselling
Vacancy position in B. Tech. 2nd yr for upgradation (2019-20)
OATH event under Swacchhta Bharat Pakhwada will take place tomorrow at 11:30 in MSIT
FDP on " Machine Learning using Python" to be held from 2nd-6th March 2020
Mental Health & Well-Being of Students during and after COVID -19 outbreak
Extension of date for submission of online application forms in GGSIPU
UGC letter regarding National Digital Library (NDLI) COVID-19 Academic and Research Repository
Extension of last date of Registration for 2020 Admission in GGSIPU
Invitation for Facebook Live Performance by Ms. Barnashree on 13 June at 4 PM
Re-checking or Inspection of Answer Sheet Notice for 5th Semester Result
Notice for Rechecking / Inspection of Answer Sheets for 3rd Semester Results
Admission Notice 2020-21 (Extension of date till 11 August 2020)
Notice for Issuance of Degree (Batch 2013-17, 2014-18 & 2015-19)
Extension of Due Date for Fee Submission (Academic Year 2020-21)
List of Students applied for Upgradation / Change of Branch (Academic Year 2020-21)
Extension of Due Date for Fee Submission upto 15 Oct (Academic Year 2020-21)
Result of Upgradation in B.Tech. Program Academic Year 2020-21
Extension of Due Date for Fee Submission upto 10 Nov (Academic Year 2020-21)
Proposed Reappear Theory & Practical Examinations Date Sheet
AICTE Press release regarding Extension of Admission Date & Academic Calendar
Final Theory/Practical Date Sheet for Re-appear Examinations
The postponed re-appear exam (20 Nov) will be held on 24 Nov 2020
Re-appear Fee Notice and List of Students along with fee to be paid
B.Tech. Admissions 2020-21: Fee Details and Forms for Reporting
Student List for Rechecking / Inspection / Certified Copies of Evaluated Ans. Sheets
Information Regarding Social Summary Revision of Electoral Roll upto 15.12.2020
2021 Commonwealth Master's Scholarship tenable in the United Kingdom
Special Round of Offline Counselling for filling up Vacant Seats
Admission Notice for Vacant Seats in B.Tech-1st year & LE to B.Tech.(2nd year)
Eligibility of Participation in Special Round of Offline Counselling
Schedule for Special Round of Offline Counselling for B.Tech. Programme
Registrations open for IIC MSIT Ideathon 2021
Registration Link
Technical Requirements for appearing in Online Proctored Examinations Jan/Feb 2021
Notice for registration for Online Examinations February 2021
Notice for students for Submission of Anti-Ragging Undertaking
Commencement of Offline Classes for Labs & Tutorial Classes for First Year students
Vacancy as on 7th dec 2020 for 10% B.Tech. management quota seats 2020-21
Vacancy as on 7th dec 2020 for 10% LE to B.Tech. management quota seats 2020-21
Vacancy as on 8th dec 2020 for 10% B.Tech. management quota seats 2020-21
Vacancy as on 8th dec 2020 for 10% LE to B.Tech. management quota seats 2020-21
List of candidates applied for Admission to B.Tech. First Year under Management Quota Seats 2020-21
Details of Candiates who have been admitted under Management Quota 2020-21 on 04 dec 2020
Details of Candiates who have been admitted under Management Quota 2020-21 on 12 dec 2020
List of candidates admitted to LE to B.Tech. Second Year under Management Quota Seats 2020-21
Preeti Bidhan student of IT selected in Microsoft, Amazon & Nasdaq with highest package of 42 Lakh
Revised & Final Practical Date Sheet (First Sem & Lateral Entry-3rd Sem)
Notice regarding holiday on 14/4/2021 on account of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Jayanti
MoE's Innovation Cell: Talk on "From your Ph.D/Masters Thesis to a start-up"
Notice for Submission of Reappear Fees for End-Term Examinations July-2021
Information related to Online Proctored Examinations June-July 2021
Proposed B.Tech. Date Sheet (8th semester end-term exams) June-July 2021
Final Datesheet for 8th semester End Term Theory Examinations Jun-Jul 2021
Practical Date sheet for 8th semester Examinations July 2021
Upgradation Notice for the students admitted in 1st semester(2020-21)
Corrigendum- Regarding Upgradation Notice for Academic Session 2020-21
Extended date for Fee Submission for the Academic Year 2021-22
Information regarding Accidental Death and Mediclaim Policy(Accidental only) for the Students
Counselling Notice for Admission in B.Tech. / LE to B.Tech. under Mgmt. Quota seats 2021-22
Intimation for counselling display for Mgmt. Quota seats 2021-22s
Merit List of candidates for admission in B.Tech./LE to B.Tech. under Mgmt. Quota seats 2021-22
Seat Matrix for Reserved categories under B.Tech./LE to B.Tech. Mgmt. Quota 2021-22
Schedule for admissions in mgmt. quota seats for academic session 2021-2022
Counselling Notice for B.Tech./LE to B.Tech. Mgmt Quota seats 2021-22
Display of Vacancies as on 08.11.2021 for Extended Round of Counselling on 09.11.2021
Admission Notice for B. Tech. Lateral Entry Admissions (Reporting from 16.11.2021- 18.11.2021)
Notice for online reporting Lateral Entry Admissions 2021-22
Admission Notice for Reporting of B.Tech. First Year Students (A.Y. 2021-22)
Innovation Cell, MSIT celebrating 2nd December as National Pollution day
Fee Notice for students admitted in LE to B.Tech. in Spot Round Counselling 2021-22
Notice for Reporting for B.Tech. Admissions after Spot Counselling Result
IIC MSIT organizing session on Intellectual Property Rights on 5 Jan 11AM
Date sheet for End Term Exam of Odd Semester (3rd, 5th and 7th semester)
Commencement of 4th, 6th & 8th semester classes in Offline Mode wef 14.02.2022
IIC MSIT - Smart India Hackathon 2022 to be held on 5th March
Registration Link
The institute shall remain closed for students on 17 March 2022 on account of Holi
Final Date Sheet for End-Term Theory Examinations First Year & Lateral Entry-3rd Sem.
Final Date Sheet for End-Term Practical Examinations for First Year & Lateral Entry-2nd Year.
Guidelines for students appearing in the Mid-Term Examinations April 2022
IIC MSIT - SMES and MSIT Logo Designing Competition
Registration Link
EWS financial assistance scheme of the university for the year 2021-22
Students selected for admission in Hostel for the Session 2022-23
Link for Resolution of Grievances of students in r/o End Term Theory Examination (2nd Semester)
Fee Submission Notice A.Y. 2022-23 (2nd, 3rd and 4th year students)
Regarding verification of scholarship applications at INOs level for minority community students
Candidates Applied for Admission in B.Tech. under Management Quota 2022-23
Candidates Applied for Admission in L.E. to B.Tech. under Management Quota 2022-23
Notice for Extension of last date of online fee payment (till 10 Oct)
Payment Link
First Counselling Schedule for Lateral Entry Management Quota Seats 2022-23
Notice for Extension of last date of online fee payment (till 20 Oct)
Candidates Provisionally Admitted in LE to B.Tech. under Management Quota Academic Session 2022-23
Notice for Admissions & Reporting of B.Tech. Lateral Entry Students 2022-23
Merit List of Candidates Applied for Admission in B.Tech. under Management Quota 2022-23
Notification for conversion of seats from reserved category to unreserved category
Notice to fill the Vacant Seats with the registered candidates.
Notice for Reporting of Students Admitted in B.Tech. First Year 2022-23
List of 1st year students selected for admission in the Boy's Hostel
Revised Notice: Schedule for Counselling/ Admission in B.Tech. under Management Quota Seats 2022-23
Merit List of Reserved Category Candidates offered the Management Quota Seats 2022-23
List of 1st year students selected for admission in the Boy's Hostel
Special Round of Counselling for Admission in B.Tech. 2022-23
Seats Vacant for Admission in B.Tech. First Year in MSIT for Special Round of Counselling
Last Chance for Online Registration for Offline Special Spot Round Counselling 2022-23
Final Date Sheet for Mid-Term Examination, May 2023, B.Tech (Even Semesters)
Extension of Last Date for Management Quota Admission Forms 2023-24
Approved fee structure for B.Tech. students admissions 2022-23, 2023-24 and 2024-25
Issuance of Provisional Degree,7th and Consolidated Marks Sheet
Notice for Reporting of First Year B.Tech. students from 21.08.2023 to 24.08.2023
Revised schedule for admissions in Management Quota seats for Academic session 2023-2024
Extension of Last Date of Application for Admission in B.Tech. under Management Quota Seats 2023-24
Final Admission Schedule for B. Tech. in MSIT under MQ Seats 2023-24
List of Candidates Applied for Admissions in BTech under MQ 2023-24
List of Candidates Applied for Admissions in LE to B.Tech. under MQ 2023-24
Notice for reporting of students admitted in L.E. to B.Tech.
Merit order rank list of candidates applied for L.E. to B.TECH. admission - M.Q. seats 2023-24
Management Quota Admission Counselling Schedule MSIT 2023-24
Notice for collection of provisional degree batch 2018-22 and 2019-23
List of Candidates Provisionally admitted to B.Tech(LE) 2023-24 under MQ
Second Counselling for admission to B.Tech. under MQ 2023-24
List of Candidates Provisionally admitted to B.Tech 2023-24 under MQ
Notice for Reporting of Students admitted through SPOT COUNSELLING
List of Candidates Provisionally admitted to B Tech in Second Round of Counseling held on 01.09.2023
Schedule of Registration chart for Final yr supplementary exam
Special SPOT OFFLINE ROUND of Counselling for Admission in B.Tech for Academic Session 2023-24
Regarding Amendment in the Regulation for Grace Marks in the University Examinations
Final Datesheet for End Term THEORY Examinations (May - June 2024)
Upgradation-Change of Branch in 1st Sem in 2023-2024, w.e.f 3rd Sem commence from 2024-2025
Seat Matrix for Admission in LE to B.Tech. (Prog. Code 128/129) under Management Quota A.Y. 2024-25
Admission Notice for Management Quota Seats for B.Tech. 2024-25
Nodal Officer for admission in B.Tech. and L.E. programe under Management Quota 2024-25
Degree collection for 2023 passout and provisonal certificate for 2024 passout
Extension of last date of issue and submission of M.Q. forms B.Tech and LE to B.Tech. A.Y. 2024-25
Schedule for M. Q. Admissions in B.Tech. & LE (Prog. Code 131 & 128129) 2024-25
Notice regarding Management Quota Counselling scheduled on 8th and 9th Aug 2024
Corrigendum regarding Seat Matrix for Admission in B.Tech. under Management Quota Seats 2024-25
Revised Merit Ordered Rank List for Admission in B.Tech. under Management Quota Seats 2024-25
Notice Regarding Reporting of Candidates on 8th & 9th Aug 2024, admitted in Spot Counselling-1
Reporting of students for Admission after Spot Round-II in B.Tech.
Vacant Seats in B.Tech. Programme for Last Round of Offline Counselling 2024-25
Vacant seats in B. Tech for last round of Counselling A. S. 2024-25
Notice regarding the last Round of Offline Counselling for B. Tech
Final Datesheet for End Term THEORY Examinations (December 2024 -January 2025) Regular & Reappear
Supplementary datesheet for mid term examination October 2024
Date sheet for End Term Practical Examination Nov. -Dec. 2024
3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (ICAIA 2025)
Important Notice for students regarding Re-appear 1st term exams
Notice for Examination Registration Chart for End-Term May/June 2017
Rechecking of results or Inspection of Answer Sheets (Dec. 2016 Result)
Admit Card Collection Notice: End-Term Examinations-May/June-2017
Schedule of Induction Programme for students admitted during Academic Session 2017-18
Schedule and Instructions for direct admission against the vacant seats
AICTE Online Skill Test (for all students)
***Link for Test***
Merit cum Means Income Financial Assistance Scheme by NCT of Delhi
Extension date for AICTE - Pragati & Saksham Scholarship Scheme
Notice for Re-checking of Results exams held duirng Dec-2017
Fee Submission Notice for B.Tech. (Batches 2015-19, 2016-20 & 2017-21)
Institute shall remain closed on August 17, 2018 as a mark of respect to Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Merit-cum-Means Financial Assistance scheme 2018-19 (Guidelines and Scheme)
High Court Judgement (LPA 733/2017, CM No. 41569-41574/2017 & 9883/2018)
University Student Grievance Redressal Committee Constitution
University timings for students / representatives of affiliated institutes
Last Chance for student Interaction under scheme EWS on 15 July 2022
Participation in National Research Paper Writing Competition under the theme ‘Subhash-Swaraj-Sarkar’
Merit Order Rank List of Candidates, for Admission in B.Tech. under MQ Seats 2023-24
Notice regarding Refund of Security Money & Educational Documents
Financial Assistance to students under EWS Scheme of university for the year 2023-2024
Revised Result of Upgradation/ Change of Branch (3rd Sem) Academic Year 2024-25
List of students selected for admission in the Hostel for academic session 2024 - 2025
Waiting List of students for admission in the Hostel for academic session 2024 - 2025
Notice regarding Commencemento fClasses Academic Session 2024-25
Notice for the scholarships-Delhi Higher education support scheme
Special thanks to Tanmay Bhatia, IT for providing the photographs of campus.