Information Technology (NBA Accredited)

Information Technology is most prominent and rapidly developing field in todays world. To maintain speed with latest trends in Information Technology industry, our Information Technology department is fully empowered. Our fully air-conditioned laboratories contain sufficient number of computer systems with latest hardware and software configuration. Since IT is composed of data processing and transmission, we are having latest communication hardware and software with proper multimedia support to each system. A very high speed internet connection is there in the labs. Net surfing is provided to the students as per their requirements. Guest faculty specialized in respective fields of Information Technology are invited from time to time to keep students in touch with latest trends in technology and to broaden their spectrum of knowledge. All facilities in the labs are continuously examined and upgraded whenever required. The department has well qualified and experienced faculty for guiding students in right direction. Our aim here is to expose students to latest and growing technologies which help them to become highly skilled IT professional.



To build a culture of innovation and  research in students and make them capable to solve upcoming challenges of human life using computing.



M1 :To develop 'educational pathways' so that students can take their career towards success.

M2 :To imbibe curiosity and support innovativeness by providing guidance to use the technology effectively.

M3 :To inculcate management skills, integrity and honesty through curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.



PEO1. Graduates of IT program are prepared to be employed in IT industries and be engaged in learning, understanding, and applying new ideas.

PEO2. The graduates are prepared to perform effectively as individuals and team members in the workplace,growing into highly technical or project management and leadership roles.

PEO3. Graduates are prepared to apply basic principles of practices of computing grounded in mathematics and science for successfully completing software related projects to satisfy customer business objectives and productively engage in research.

PEO4. Graduates are prepared to pursue higher studies so that they can contribute to the teaching profession/research and development of information technology and other allied fields.



Engineering Graduates will be able to:

  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  1. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  1. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  1. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  1. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  1. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  1. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  1. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  1. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader indiverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  1. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  1. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  1. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


Program Specific Outcome

PSO-1: Ability to understandthe principles and working of hardware and software aspects in information technology.

PSO-2: Ability to explore and develop innovative ideas to solve real world problem using IT skills.







Lab #01: STRTIT/Statistical Modelling & Data Analytics Lab

Total Number of Systems: 31

System Configuration:

  • Processor: – P-V Core i5

  • RAM – 4 GB

  • Operating system: – Window 10 (License)

  • HP Core 2 duo


Subjects Taught:

  • Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Lab (PRCV) ML-411P

  • Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning Lab (RLDL) ML-409P

  • Statistical Modelling & Data Analytics (SMDA) DA-304P

Software Installed:

  • Python / Jupyter Notebook

  •  C++

  •  Scilab, R Programming tool

In PRCV Lab, the students use Python software (open source) to recognize the patterns and computer vision practical. The Python/C++ languages and Jupyter Notebook are used to implement the reinforcement and deep leaning experiments. In the SMDA Lab, the students use Scilab (Scientific Laboratory), R programming software tool to perform experiments based on data analysis.

Lab #02: DS/PSLP Lab

Total Number of Systems:  25

System Configuration:

  • Processor: – Dell Core i7 2.11 GHz (20 pc),

                         Acer Core i5 3.0 GHZ (05 pc).

  • RAM – 16GB DDR 5,

                 4 GB.

  • Operating system: – Window 7/10 (License)


Subjects Taught:

  • Data Structure (DS) CIC-255

  • Computational Mathematics (CM) ES-251

  • Probability, Statistics and Linear Programming (PSLP) BS-252


Software Installed:

  • Turbo C++ 

  • Scilab Software 

This lab emphasizes hands-on experience with the principles of DS, CM and PSLP. It provides students with a platform to develop programs for data structures and computational mathematics applications. Additionally, the lab serves as a valuable resource for students to explore PSLP lab exercises, which include visualizing probability distributions using Scilab Software, an open-source platform.

Lab #107: Web Technologies / Compiler Design Lab

Total Number of Systems:  20

System Configuration:

  • Processor: – ACER, P-V Core i5 processor, 2nd generation,3.0 GHz, 4GB DDR3

    RAM,500 GB(19) & Dell 12th generation Intel (R) Core™ i7- 12700 2.10GHz

    Processor/8.00 GB RAM(01)

  • RAM – 4/8 GB

  • Operating system: – Window 10 (License)


Subjects Taught:

  • Compiler Design (CD) CIC-351

  • Web Technologies (WT) CIE-356P


Software Installed:

  • Turbo C++ 

  • VS Code


The lab is well-equipped, focusing on providing hands-on experience in both compiler design and Web Technologies. In WT Lab, a practical approach to designing web pages is taught for the development of web applications. In CD Lab, implementation of core concepts of compiler like removal of left recursion from grammar, implementing Shift Reduce parsing, etc. are taught.

Lab #108: DBMS/SE Lab

Total Number of Systems: 30

System Configuration:

  • Dell Precision Core i7 @14700 Processor/16 GB DDR-5 RAM

  • Dell 12th generation Intel (R) Core™ i7- 12700 2.10GHz Processor/8.00 GB RAM


Subjects Taught:

  • Database Management Systems (DBMS) CIC-256

  • Software Engineering (SE) CIC-357

Software Installed:

  • Oracle 9/11G

  • Star UML 5 

It is a well-equipped lab with a focus on hands-on experience in both DBMS and SE concepts. In DBMS, Structured Query Language (SQL) is taught for accessing, modifying and updating the information in the database. In SE, a practical approach towards designing different UML diagrams is taught for the development of the project.

Lab #110:  Programming Lab

Total Number of Systems: 31

System Configuration:

  • Processor: – ACER, P-V Core i5 processor, 2nd generation,3.0 GHz, 4GB DDR3

    RAM,500 GB.

  • Dell 12th generation Interl (R) Core™ i7- 12700 2.10GHz Processor/8.00 GB RAM

  • Dell Precision Workstation M/N, 3460 SFF CTO, 13th Gen Core i7 @13700

    Processor/16 GB DDR-5 RAM


Subjects Taught:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) AI-302P

  • Machine Learning (ML) ML-407P

  • Programming Subjects


  • SWI Prolog

  •  Python

  • Java

This Lab is prepared to allow students to practice and perform practicals related to AI, ML and IOT. Students are encouraged to start from basic to advanced programming. The Lab is well-equipped with all advanced softwares (Arduino IDE, Prolog, Python) for practical applications

Lab #111: Networking Lab

Total Number of Systems: 20

System Configuration:

  • Processor: – Intel ® Core ™ 10700 CPU @2.90 GHz, i7 10th Generation

  • RAM – 8 GB DDR4

  • Operating system: – Window 10 (License)


Subjects Taught:

  • Computer Networks (CIC-355)

  • Programming in Java (CIC-258)

  • Programming in Python (CIE-332P)

Software Installed:

  • Network Simulator-3 (NS-3)

  • Cisco Packet Tracer

  • Java (NetBeans)

  • Python

It is a well-equipped networking lab with a focus on hands-on experience in Computer Networks, Java and Python programming concepts. In networking, students get hands-on training in the design/simulation of computer networks using Cisco Packet Tracer and NS-3. They also learn about various network topologies and network protocols like sliding window, UDP, TCP and perform socket programming.

Circuit & System/Project Lab (501)

Total Number of Systems: 09

Total Number of Kits:

System Configuration:

• GPU-Dell Precision 3660 workstation, Intel Core i7-13700 Processor, Intel Q 670 Chipset Motherboard, 32 GB DDR5 RAM, 1 TB PCLe NVMe M.2 SSD, Nvidia Quadro 8 GB T1000 Graphic Card, Integrated Gigabit LAN/Dual Processor: – Intel ® Core ™ 10700 CPU @2.90 GHz, i7 10th Generation (03)

• Dell Precision-3460 Workstation, Intel 14 Gen Core I7-14700, 2.11GHz, 20 Core, 33MB Cache 16GB DDR5 RAM @5600Mhz, 512 GB Pcle NVmeSSD, Nvidia Quadro RTX T400 with 4 GB/ Integrated HD Audio,Gigabit Lan, Dual Band Internal Wireless + Bluetooth, USB Keyboard and Mouse, 19" HD Display Monitor with 3 Year NBD Warranty (03)

• Aceri5-(Core -i5 Processor 2nd generation, 3.00 GHZ, 4 GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB HDD, DVD/RW Keyboard, Optical Mouse , TFT Screen-18.5”, APC UPS RAM – 8 GB DDR4 (03)

Hardware Devices

• Electrical Circuit Trainer Kit, Digital Multi meter, Frequency generator, Kit To parallel RLC circuit, Kit TO series RLC circuit, DC Regulated Power Supply

Subjects Taught:

• Circuit & System Lab –EEC-254

• Minor Project/ Major Project -ES-452/ES-454

This Circuit & System Lab aims at introducing the IT students to the hands on experience on calculating and analysing the parameters of two port networks such as Z,Y, ABCD and others. The equipments are electronic circuit trainer kits and RLC circuits kit to facilitate students to study the phenomenon of resonance and transients in ac system. Project laboratory has been set up in the Department of Information Technology to promote innovation/research and development activities in the core and interdisciplinary domains. The lab is utilized by the students for their project work, and preparing for competitions such as E-yantra robotic project competition, Hackathon, Ideathon, Confluence etc.

Centre of Excellence (CoE) Lab (504)

Total Number of Systems: 5+5= (10)

System Configuration:

• Processor: – Desktop Z2 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-147002.10 GHZ

• Server Processor:-HPE ProLaint ML30 GEN10 Intel XEON 2314

• HP Laptop Intel Core I7-1255U

• Dell Laptop Intel Core I7-1355U

• RAM – 16 GB

• Operating system: – Window 11/10 (License)

Subjects Taught:

• Introduction to Internet of Things (CIE-330P)

Hardware Components:

Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano, Esp32, Raspberry Pi 4 Model-B with 4 GB RAM, Raspberry Pi 5 8 GB, STM32 Nucleo, BreadBoard, Temperature Sensor, DHT11, DHT22, Relay, Ultrasonic Sensor, IR Sensor, LED, Resistors, HC-05, Push Button, Servo Motor etc.

Software Installed:

• Arduino IDE

• Python

This lab focuses on research and development work in Introduction to Internet of Things (IOT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). In even semester, IOT is an optional subject for third year IT students and lab is used for conducting IOT lab experiments as per GGSIPU curriculum. However, lab is open to all the students in odd and even semester to carry out their research and project work.

Prof. Prabhjot Kaur
Professor | HOD | Ph. D., M.Tech., B.E. (CSE)

[email protected]

Dr. Prabhjot is an academically brilliant and professional teacher with 23+ years of teaching experience. She is passionate about research. She has been awarded PhD twice for her work in two different research areas. She authored and published 2 books, 8 Patents and 70+ research papers in reputed journals and conferences (SCIE:10, ESCI:7, Scopus:50+). She has 777 citations with h-index:16 and i10 index: 22. Dr. Prabhjot is ranked among Top 2% Researchers in the World by Stanford University Global Ranking. She is a reviewer of many reputed journals like IEEE Transactions of Fuzzy System, IEEE Transactions of Internet of Things, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, Multimedia Tools and Applications etc. She was awarded Best Researcher ofthe Year 2021 by CEGR (Center of Education Growth and Research) for outstanding and exemplary contribution towards education, skill development and Research. She was awarded Best Faculty at MSIT for the year 2012 for outstanding contribution to the institution in the academics, placement, Research Publications, and Extra-Curricular areas. She also won the Research excellence award for the year 2019, 2021 and 2022, 2023.

Vidwan Id - 243446

Detailed Profile

Prof. Tripti Sharma
Professor | Ph.D., M.Tech. (CSE), M. Phil (CS), B.E. (CSE), GATE Qualified

[email protected]

Prof. Tripti Sharma received her B.E., M.Tech., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science. She joined the Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, New Delhi, in 2003. She has been awarded PhD twice for her work in two different research areas. She has more than 21 years of teaching experience. Her research interests include wireless sensor networks, adhoc networks, soft computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. She has many scientific publications, book chapters, and patents to her credit. She has published more than 75 research articles in various SCI, ESCI, and Scopus journals and at international conferences. She is the reviewer for many international conferences and journals. She has received the "Best Faculty Award 2015" in MSIT. She has received many national and international awards, including the India Prime Icon Award 2022, India’s Top 100 Educator award from FOXCLUES, the International Academic Excellence Award 2022 by I20R, the Best Faculty of the Year Award 2021 by the Centre for Education Growth and Research (CEGR) in the 16 th Rastriya Shiksha Gaurav Puruskar, and the National Education Brilliance Award 2022.

Vidwan Id - 244121

Detailed Profile

Dr. Anupama Kaushik
Associate Professor | Ph.D., M.Tech., B.E. (CSE)

[email protected]

Dr. Anupama Kaushik has an experience of 20+ years in teaching. She is extremely passionate about teaching and research. She has more than 30 research papers to her credit. She has 1 Indian patent granted and has published 6 patents and 1 book. She has received research excellence award on the Annual Day 2020 and 2023. She is the reviewer of many international journals and conferences.

Vidwan Id - 243291

Detailed Profile

Dr. Sunesh Malik
Associate Professor | Ph. D., M. Tech., B. Tech.

[email protected]

Dr. Sunesh Malik works on security of digital images. Her area of interest includes artificial intelligence, security and image processing.

Vidwan ID: 242013

Detailed Profile

Dr. Bharti Sharma
Associate Professor | Ph. D., M. Tech., B.Tech.

[email protected]

Dr. Bharti Sharma works on Machine learning, Deep learning and specifically for Recommendation System. She has also developed a MAP REDUCE Based Recommendation System. Currently she is working on text summarization field.

Vidwan ID: 243550

Detailed Profile

Mr. Manoj Malik
Assistant Professor | M.Tech, B.Tech.

[email protected]

Professional with a passion for inspiring students to achieve academic and personal success. Motivated faulty with over seventeen years’ experience in information technology department. Strong, dedicated faculty with determination to achieve high standards for organizations in research, management and professionalism. Strives to offer a demanding and exciting learning environment where students can grow as good human being for the rest of their lives.

Vidwan ID: 243409

Detailed Profile

Dr. Sonika Malik
Assistant Professor | Ph.D, M.Tech.(CSE), B.Tech.(CSE)

[email protected]

Sonika Malik has done B. Tech from Kurukshetra University, India in 2004 and did her Masters from MMU in 2010. She is doing her doctorate from National Institute of technology, Kurukshetra. She has served in the field of education from last 15 years and is currently working as an Assistant Professor in Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, Delhi. Her current research interests are in the area of Semantic Web, Knowledge representation and Ontology Design. A talented professional who has good teaching skills developed as a result of 15 years of experience in teaching computer and IT related subjects and concepts in engineering graduate students. She has extensive research experience in semantic web and published 10 research articles in various international journals/conferences and in book of international repute as book chapters. She has also reviewed also reviewed papers in various journals and conferences. She has also organized a special session in international conferences. She has excellent communication and compatibility with students which makes learning easier for them and much more fun. 

Vidwan Id - 243371

Detailed Profile

Dr. Jyoti Khurana
Assistant Professor | Ph.D,M.Tech., B.Tech(CSE)

[email protected]

Dr. Jyoti Khurana is an assistant professor in Department of Information Technology in Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, New Delhi. She received her M.Tech in Information Technology from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka, New Delhi in 2009. She has done her PhD from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka, New Delhi. Her research interest includes Data Mining, Clustering, Classfication, Image Segmentation, Machine Learning. A brilliant professional who has superb teaching skills developed as a result of 15 years of extensive experience in teaching IT related subjects and concepts to the engineering graduate students. She has extensive research experience and published more than 20 research articles in various international journals/ conferences and in books of international repute as book chapters. She has received excellence in research award from MSIT in year 2018 and 2022 for publishing SCIE papers. She has also reviewed papers of many conferences, SCIE/ESCI/Scopus journals. She has excellent communication and rapport with students which makes learning easier for them and much more fun.

Vidwan Id - 243530

Detailed Profile

Dr. Deepshikha Yadav
Assistant Professor | Ph. D, M.Tech., B.E.

[email protected]

Ms. Deepshikha Yadav has published various papers in the field of energy harvesting, embedded systems and internet of things. Her area of interest includes analysing and designing circuits and systems for efficient renewable energy harvesting. She is working in the direction of integrating internet of things and power management systems for controlling the energy demands of devices and nodes remotely. Ms. Yadav has taught various subjects like Digital Communication, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Optical Communication, Analog Electronics etc. during her teaching years. She has bagged First and Third prize in Inter-College project competition organized by GGSIPU. She has been awarded the Excellence in Research award and Appreciation certificate by MSIT.

Vidwan Id- 243362

Detailed Profile

Ms. Meena Siwach
Assistant Professor | M.Tech., B.Tech.(CSE)

[email protected]

Ms. Meena Siwach is working as Assistant Professor in Department of Information Technology. She has an overall experience of 14 years in Academics. She has done B.Tech(CSE), M.Tech(IT) and now Pursuing Ph.D. from Guru Gobind Singh Inderprastha University, Dwarka, Delhi. Her Research interest is in the field of Data Mining, Machine Learning and deep Learning.

Vidwan Id - 244162

Detailed Profile

Mr. Surender Singh
Assistant Professor | M.Tech (CSE), B.Tech. (CSE)

[email protected]

Surender Singh completed his B.Tech. and M.Tech. in Computer Engineering from Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, India in 2005 and 2008 respectively. He is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology of Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, Delhi, India. He has more than 16 years of academic experience in various colleges in India. He has published more than 12 research papers in various national / international confrences and journals. His current research interests include PageRank optimisation, feature selection and spam detection using machine learning techniques in web.

Vidwan Id - 243379

Detailed Profile

Mr. Parveen Kumar
Assistant Professor | M. Tech.

[email protected]

Mr Parveen Kumar’s research areas include Wireless communication and Artificial intelligence. He has published several research papers in these domains. He has taught various subjects like Analog Electronics, Microprocessors & Microcontrollers, Wireless Communication, Ad-Hoc sensor Network, Digital Communication etc. during her teaching career. He is also actively involved in the Placement Department, taking care of the placement and related activities of B.Tech students.

Vidwan Id- 243373

Detailed Profile

Dr. Tripti Rathee
Assistant Professor | Ph.D, M. Tech. (CSE)

[email protected]

Dr.Tripti works on Identity and Access management using blockchain technology. Her area of interest is Cybersecurity and blockchain.

Vidwan ID: 241967

Detailed Profile

Dr. Minakshi Tomer
Assistant Professor | Ph.D , M. Tech. (IT)

[email protected]

Area of interest includes text summarization, deep learning, and NLP. I have proposed hybrid methods for text summarization which overcomes the limitation of existing methods.

Vidwan ID: 243413

Detailed Profile

Dr. Sandeep Singh
Assistant Professor | Ph.D, M. Tech., B. Tech.

[email protected]

His area of interest includes digital signal processing, linear and nonlinear system identification and optimization methods. He is interested in the field of simulation and analysis of different systems like finite impulse response (FIR), infinite impulse response system (IIR) and nonlinear systems such as Volterra model, Hammerstein model etc. He also uses meta-heuristic algorithms in his research work which provides the global optimum solution.

Vidwan ID: 243378

Detailed Profile

Ms. Mamta Gahlan
Assistant Professor | M.Tech.(CSE), B.Tech.(CSE)

[email protected]

Mamta Gahlan is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology of Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, Delhi, India. She has more than 12 years of academic experience in various colleges in India. She has five international and five national journal publications. She is doing his PhD (part time) in Department of Computer Applications from National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India.  Her research interest includes machine learning in healthcare sector.

Vidwan Id - 244429

Detailed Profile

Dr. Sitender
Assistant Professor | Ph.D., M. Tech., B. Tech.

[email protected]

Dr. Sitender works on machine translation and specifically for Sanskrit Language. He uses a rule based approach as well as neural network methods to perform the task of machine translation. He has also developed a Sanskrit stemmer and POS tagger to perform the task of POS tagging the Sanskrit text. Currently he is working on text summarization of Hindi text and neural network based Sanskrit language translation to other languages.

Vidwan ID: 241847

Detailed Profile

Dr. Saba Khanum
Assistant Professor | Ph.D, M. Tech (CSE), B.Tech

[email protected]

Ms. Saba Khanum received her B.Tech, M. Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. She joined Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, New Delhi in 2012. She is presently doing Ph.D from Jamia MilliaIslamia University, New Delhi. Her research interest includes Blockchain application, Information Security and wireless network. Her research area includes scientific publications, book chapter and 1 patents to her credit.

Vidwan ID:241947

Detailed Profile

Dr. Preeti Sehrawat
Assistant Professor | M. Tech

[email protected]

Preeti Sehrawat

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. (Pursuing), M. tech, B.E.

Area of Expertise:- Vehicular Networking, Wireless Communication, Machine Learning.

Phone: -011-25528117, Extn-124

Email id: [email protected]

Vidwan Id- 243347

Detailed Profile

Dr. Preeti Rathee
Assistant Professor | M.Tech.(CSE), B.Tech.(CSE)

[email protected]

Preeti Rathee has done B.Tech in Information Technology from MMU, Ambala in 2012 and did her M.Tech in Computer Science from ITM University Gurugram in 2014. She is doing her doctorate from GGSIP University, Dwarka, Delhi. She is an Assistant Professor in Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology and has an experience of 7 years in teaching computer and IT Subjects. She is currently working on research area of Semantic Web, Ontology and Semantic Similarity. She has published various research papers in international journals/conferences. She has excellent communication and compatibility with students which makes learning easier for them and much more fun.

Vidwan Id - 243536

Detailed Profile

Ms. Ashish Kumari
Assistant Professor | M.Tech (CSE)., B.Tech. (CSE)

[email protected]

Ms. Ashish Kumari, pursuing her Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering from Delhi Technological University. She has over experience of 6 years in academics in reputed Universities like NSUT, SGT. She is highly interested in participating in the development of new interdisciplinary programs of study and highly enthusiastic for research and innovative ideas. She has deep commitment to teaching; excels in research area in Data Science, Wireless Sensor Network, and Internet of Things. She has also published her work in recognized Journals and conferences and has granted 1 patent.

Vidwan Id - 242206

Detailed Profile

Mr. Akshay Singh
Assistant Professor | M. Tech. (CSE), B. Tech. (CSE)

[email protected]

Akshay Singh is an Assistant Professor in the department of Information Technology at Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India. He completed his B.Tech. and M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering in 2017 and 2019 respectively. Previously, he served as an Associate Consultant in the department of Quality Analysis at Oodles Technologies, Gurugram, Haryana. He joined as a Junior Research Fellow in Neuroradiology Department at AIIMS, Delhi. Also, he has worked in SSCBS, University of Delhi as Guest Faculty. His research is centered around Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Mining, Data Science and Digital Image Processing.

Vidwan Id - 244695

Detailed Profile

Dr. Priya Dalal
Assistant Professor | M.Tech

[email protected]

Ms. Priya Dalal pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering from Jagannath University, Haryana, India and She received her master's degree in Computer Science from Lovely Professional University, Punjab. She received her bachelor's degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak. She has 9 published papers in refereed National/International Journals & Conferences (viz. IEEE, ACM, Springer, Wiley, etc.). She has over 6 years of experience in Academics. Her research interests include Cloud Computing, Computer Networks, Computer Organization & Architecture and IoT Networks.

Vidwan Id : 259059

Detailed Profile

Ms. Priyanka
Assistant Professor | M. Tech

[email protected]

Ms. Priyanka Kalkandha has received her master's degree in Computer Science & Engineering from BIT Mesra, Ranchi. She received her bachelor's degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Maharshi Dayanand University, Delhi, India. She is qualified NTA NET CSE (3 times). She has 3 published papers in refereed National/International Journals & Conferences (viz. IEEE, ACM, Springer, Wiley, etc.). She has over 5 years of experience in Academics. Her research interests include Networks, wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, Data mining and IoT Networks.

Vidwan-ID: 259169

Detailed profile

Ms. Nidhi Goel
Assistant Professor | M. Tech

[email protected]

Ms. Nidhi Goel pursuing her Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India. She received her M. Tech degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow. She did her MCA from GGSIPU, Delhi. Apart from this she has done her PGDCA from Delhi University. She received her bachelor degree from Sikkim Manipal University, Delhi, India. She has qualified NTA NET in Computer Science & Engineering. She has several published papers in refereed National/International Journals & Conferences. She has over 12.5 years of experience in Academics. Her research interests include Networks, Data mining and IoT Networks.

Vidwan-ID: 260368

Detailed Profile

Ms. Manju (Ad hoc)
Assistant Professor | M.Tech.

Ms. Manju pursuing Ph.D in Machine Learning from Maharishi Dayanand University (UIET), Rohtak. She has done her M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from MDU, Rohtak. She has qualified UGC-NET two times in computer applications. She has more than Five years teaching experience in various organizations like SGT University, Gurugram, IITM, Janakpuri, CBS college, jhajjar. She has also teaching experience at various NTA/UGC-NET, DSSSB, HTET PGT(Computer science) academies. HerresearchareasofinterestareArtificialIntelligence,NaturalLanguage Processing, and Wireless Networks. She has more than five quality research publications to her credit. She has presented various papers in international conferences. She has attended various seminars, faculty development programs and workshops and guided several undergraduates, postgraduate research works.

Vidwan ID: 563808

Ms. Astha Solanki (Adhoc)
Assistant Professor | M.Tech

[email protected]

Ms. Astha Solanki has received her M.Tech and B.Tech degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from NSUT, Delhi and IIIT Delhi respectively. She has worked as an Application Engineer in Oracle India, developing an ERP software, working on both front-end and back-end. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor in MSIT, Delhi. Her research interests include machine learning, human computer interaction and computer vision.

Vidwan ID: 572449








S.No. Name of the Staff Member Designation
1 Sh. Sunil Kumar – I Tech. Assistant
2 Ms. Neetu Tech. Assistant
3 Sh. Manoj Kumar Tech. Assistant
4 Mr. Vishal Panwar Tech. Assistant
5 Mr. Rajeev Kumar Tech. Assistant

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