Electronics and Communication Engineering (NBA Accredited)

The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering which has a fine blend of experienced as well as young and dynamic personalities as faculty, is involved in providing quality education at Undergraduate (UG) level. They have an unceasing commitment towards students, helping them learn, grow, and develop and achieve their goals, whether it is becoming a professor, an entrepreneur, or joining industry. The research interests of the faculty members encompass a wide gamut of sub-disciplines of Electronics & Communication Engineering. Collaboration with faculty members from other disciplines, both within and outside the institute, is encouraged. The lab facilities and the infrastructure are regularly upgraded and are well supported by the institute and the industry.


ECE department strives to become a centre of quality education to meet the global technological needs for the benefit of mankind.


M1: To impart high quality education in the field of electronics & communication engineering to meet the national and global challenges.

M2: To provide adequate facilities, infrastructure and environment to the students as well as faculty members thereby creating an ambience conducive for teaching-learning process.

M3: To empower the students by enhancing their soft skills and ethics to create social awareness and imbibe national values so as to become good citizen.

M4: Creating a thrust for life-long learning through interaction with outside world on contemporary issues and technological trends.


PEO1 : To prepare ECE graduates with strong foundation in engineering and technology for personal and professional growth.

PEO2 : To prepare ECE graduates with capability of serving and leading various organizations with acquired technical skills and knowledge.

PEO3 : To prepare ECE graduates with professional competence to successfully attempt various competitive exams, pursue higher studies, research and other professional activities.

PEO4 : To prepare ECE graduates with ability to address the challenging needs of society with ethics and integrity in global context.


Engineering Graduates will be able to:

  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  1. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  1. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  1. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  1. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  1. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  1. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  1. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  1. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader indiverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  1. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  1. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  1. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  1. Apply fundamentals of basic sciences and Electronics& Communication Engineering to develop core and multidisciplinary technology for industrial and societal needs.
  1. Apply the acquired technical knowledge for successful professional career in the field of Electronics & Communication Engineering and qualifying in various competitive examinations held at national and international level.

LAB# 202 : Data Analytics/ Probability ,Statistics and Linear Programming/ Signals &  systems/ Digital Signal Processing Lab 

Total Number Of System : 18 (13 Acer + 05 Wipro) 

System Configuration :- ACER 

Processor- P-V Core i5 

∙ RAM - 4GB 

Operating System – Window 10 (License) 

∙ HP Core 2 duo 

System Configuration :- WIPRO 

Intel ( R) Duo CPU 2.93 GHZ 

∙ RAM – 2GB 

Subjects Taught: 

Probability ,Statistics and Linear Programming Lab 

∙ Data Analytics Lab 

∙ Signals & Systems 

∙ Digital Signal Processing 

Software Installed :- 


∙ R Studio 


In the Data Analytics Lab , R is used for Statistical, Inference Data, Analysis , Machine  learning algorithms. In the PSLP Lab , probability and probability distributions, Summarization  of data, testing of hypothesis, solving linear programming problems is done. In Signals & systems  and DSP lab, MATLAB is used for generation of various signals and performing operations on  signals.


Lab #210: Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab 

Total number of Systems: 13 

System Configuration: 

∙ Processor – P-IV 3.0 GHz and i5, 2.7 GHz 

∙ RAM- 512 MB 

∙ Operating Systems – Windows 7 

Subjects Taught: 

Microprocessor and Microcontroller (Even sem and odd sem) ∙ Control Systems (Odd sem) 

Software Installed: 

Jubin Mitra for 8085 

∙ Emu 8086 

∙ MCU 8051 ide 

∙ MATLAB R213a 

Kits and hardware equipments: 

Vinytics 8509 (8085 Kits) – 15 units 

∙ Vinytics 8609 (8086 Kits) – 17 units 

∙ Technics 8051 kits – 5 units 

∙ Interface cards

Lab #204: Microelectronics Lab/ Statistics, Statistical Modelling & Data Analytics Lab Total Number of Systems: 13 

System Configuration: 

Processor:- Intel(R) Core i5 

∙ RAM-4 GB 

∙ Operating System:- Window10(License) 

∙ Acer Core 2 Due 

Subject Taught: 

Microelectronics Lab (ME) ECC-353 

∙ Statistics, Statistical Modelling & Data Analytics Lab (SSMDA) DA-304P Software Installed: 

∙ Scilab, 

∙ R Studio 

∙ Tanner Tool 

In the SSMDA Lab, the students use Scilab (Scientific Laboratory), R Programming software  and Tanner Tool to perform experiments based on VLSI Design in Microelectronics Lab.

Lab#218: Artificial Intelligence Lab / Antenna Design & Radiating Systems  Lab/Project Lab/OPOC Lab/Transmission line and Waveguide Analysis  Lab 

Total No. of Dell systems: 10 

System Configuration: 

Processor:-12th Gen intel ® Core™ i7-12700 2.10 GHz 

∙ RAM :4GB 

∙ Operating System: Windows 10; 64 bit operating system, x64 based processor Total No. of HP systems: 02 

System Configuration: 

∙ Processor:- Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz  

∙ RAM :4GB (3.44 GB usable) 

∙ Operating System: Windows 7; 32 bit operating system 

Subjects Taught: 

Artificial Intelligence (ECE 318P) 

∙ Antenna Design & Radiating Systems Lab (ECE 330P) 

∙ OPOC (ETEC-451) 

∙ Transmission line and Waveguide Analysis Lab (ECC-357) 

∙ Minor Project/Major Project 

Software used: 

SWI Prolog / CST Studio Suite

In the AI Lab, the students use SWI Prolog Programming software to perform experiments  based on artificial intelligence. Students are encouraged to start from basic to advanced  programming. 

In the AD&RS Lab, the students use CST Studio Suite software to perform experiments based  on AD&RS. Students are encouraged to start from basic to advanced antenna designing and  simulation. 

In the TWA Lab, the students use CST Studio Suite software to perform experiments based on  TWA. Students are encouraged to make project using the software. 

Project Lab List of Equipments: 

1. DSO(Digital Storage Oscilloscope) 

2. Printer 

3. Noise Level Alarm Kit 

4. Soldering and Desoldering Machine 

Optical and Wireless Communication Lab: 

Fiber optic trainer Kits

Lab #214: Machine Learning Lab / Satellite & Antenna  

Lab / 


Total Number of Systems: 11 

System Configuration: 

Processor: – 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700 2.10 GHz : Total -10 ∙ RAM – 8 GB 

∙ Operating system: – Window 10 (License) 64 bits 

∙ HP Core 2 duo – 4 GB 

∙ Acer Intel – Core i5, RAM – 4 GB 

∙ Antenna Measurement kits & VNA – Satellite & Antenna Lab 

∙ Digital Trainer Kits – Total : 20 (DLCD Lab) 

Subjects Taught: 

Machine Learning. 

∙ Properties of Antenna and Radiation pattern of different Antennas.  

∙ Digital Logic & Computer Design 

Software Installed: 

Python Language (Version 3.8) 

∙ Jupiter 3.1 Notebook , Anaconda 3 

∙ 8085 Simulator (Jubin) 

∙ 8086 Simulator 

In the ML Lab, the students use Python due to extensive library ecosystem, robust  visualization capabilities, low barrier to entry, strong community support, flexibility,  readability, and platform independence make it an ideal choice for machine learning purposes. The objective of this Lab is to make use of Data sets in implementing the machine learning  algorithms, Implement the machine learning concepts and algorithms in any suitable language  of choice. In Satellite & Antenna Lab , the students perform experiment to understand various  fundamental properties of antenna ,patch antenna design and basics through satellite link. 

In DLCD lab, students will be able to design and analyze the combinational and sequential circuits and  execute the assembly language program for 8085 and 8086 Microprocessor. 

Lab #213: Analog Electronics I & II Lab / Electronics I & II Lab 

Total Number of Hardware :10 


Analog Trainer Kits, Computer systems 

Subjects Taught: 

Analog Electronics I & II Lab 

∙ Electronics I & II Lab. 

Software Installed: 

∙ Proteus 7.7

In the Analog Electronics I & II Lab / Electronics I & II Lab, the students use  mainly hardware to perform experiments prescribed by university. 

Lab#216: DC/CE LAB 

Total No. of systems: 08 ( 1DELL 1HP 1HCL 5ACER) 

System Configuration: 

∙ Processor:-i5th Gen intel ® Core™ i7-12700 3.0 0GHz 

∙ RAM :4GB 

∙ Operating System: Windows 10 64 bit operating system, x64 based processor  Total No. of HP systems: 01 

∙ Processor:- Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz  

∙ RAM :4GB (3.44 GB usable) 

∙ Operating System: Windows 7 32 bit operating system 


Total No. of HCL systems: 01 

Processor:- Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20GHz 

RAM :512MB  

Operating System: Windows 7 32 bit operating system 

Total No. of ACER systems: 05 

Processor:- Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz  

RAM :1 GB  

Operating System: Windows 7 64 bit operating system 

System Configuration and Equipments 

Scientech Colour T.V. Trainer kit 

∙ Colour TV Oscar 

∙ Stereo Cassette Player 

∙ Multimeter 






Subjects Taught: 

∙ Consumer Electronics (ETEC-454) & DIGITAL COMMUNICATION(ECC 258) 

Software used: 


In the DC Lab, the students use MATLAB Programming software to perform experiments  based on artificial intelligence 

Dr. Archana Balyan
Professor | Ph. D., M.E., B. E.

[email protected]

B. E. in Electronics Engineering from Bangalore University in 1991 , M.E. (ECE) from Delhi Technological University (Erstwhile Delhi College of Engineering) in 2002 and Ph.D. from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University , Delhi in the field of Computer Science and Engineering in 2016. Presently working as Director, Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology. She has published more than 50 research papers in various journals and conferences. She has published 2 patents also. She has guided several B.Tech students. She is life member of ISTE. She is reviewer of various reputed journals. She had been “Organizing chair” to organize various national and international conferences and convenor of faculty development programs. She had also been reviewer and session chair for many conferences. She has also won research excellence awards and best paper research award. Her current area of interest is Electronic Devices and circuits, Speech synthesis, Human – machine interaction, AI in health sector & other applications. She is having more than 32 year’s academic experience. She is having long administrative experience.

She has completed more than 50 administrative assignments successfully. She had been Member of Governing Body, MSIT & Member Secretary of Governing Body, MSIT, Member of Academic Council, President of Institute Innovation council, President of Internal Complaint Committee, Chairman of Students Grievance Redressal Committee, President of IQAC , Superintendent of Examinations, Chairman, Convenor and team lead of ISO Audit committee, Faculty in charge of Central Library , Convenor of Purchase Committee, Member of Faculty and Staff recruitment committee, External expert of selection committee for internal promotions and recruitment of staff in DRDO, Delhi and DRDO, Bangalore , Screening committee for promotions and recruitment , Overall in charge of labs in ECE department , Head of Department (ECE) and many more in MSIT.

Vidwan Id- 243344

Detailed Profile

Dr. Neeru Rathi
Professor | HOD | Ph. D., M. Tech,

[email protected]

Dr. Neeru Rathee is a motivated and talented ECE professor driven to inspire students to pursue academic and personal excellence. She consistently strives to create challenging and continuous learning environment for herself and for her students to become a lifelong self-learner. She is having exceptional track record of research (in signal processing, image processing and artificial intelligence) success with multiple published articles in reputed journals and conferences and is working on research projects. Apart from academics and research, she has an experience of working in  ECell, NISP, Institute Journal, Innovation Cell, Library Committee, NBA and various activities conducted time to time. Her hard work and dedication are reflected by the awards she has received as Best Faculty Award, Research Excellence Award, Mentorship Award, Best Paper Presentation Award and Best Poster Presentation Award.

Vidwan Id- 243360

Detailed Profile

Dr. Pardeep Sangwan
Professor | Ph. D., M.Tech., B.E.

[email protected]

He has done his M. Tech from NIT, Kurukshetra and Ph. D from UTU, Dehradun. He has been associated with MSIT since 2004 and currently holds the post of Associate Professor and heading Department of ECE 2nd shift. He is a Life Member of the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE). He has published several SCI/SCIE research publications in reputed international journals. He has supervised one Ph. D thesis and over 40 UG thesis. His research interest include Speech Processing, Renewable Energy, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Vidwan ID: 243293

Detailed Profile

Dr. Puneet Azad
Professor | Ph. D., M. E., B.E.

[email protected]

Dr. Puneet Azad works in the field of energy harvesting and designing electronic circuits for power optimization suitable for sensors. He is actively involved to obtain sustainable energy solutions with main focus on materials engineering and designing energy efficient circuits. His aim is to demonstrate proof of concepts based on above mentioned concepts. He has published research papers in several reputed International Journals. He has significantly contributed as Convener of various committees of our Institute.

Vidwan Id- 180272

Detailed Profile

Dr. Sudesh Pahal
Associate Professor | Ph. D., M.E., B.E.

[email protected]

Dr. Sudesh Pahal works in the field of wireless networks, vehicular networks and artificial Intelligence. Her research includes the solutions to the problems related to wireless communication between different devices including vehicles. She is working for applications of deep learning in vehicular networks.

Vidwan Id- 243358

Detailed Profile

Dr. Meena Rao
Associate Professor | Ph. D., M.Tech., B.E.,

[email protected]

Dr. Meena Rao’s research areas include Wireless communication, Artificial intelligence and Digital Electronics. She has published several research papers in these domains. She has taught various subjects like Electronic devices, Microprocessors & microcontrollers, Mobile computing, Communication systems etc. during her teaching career. Dr. Rao is also actively involved in the Placement Department, as the Convener, taking care of the placement and related activities of B.Tech students.

Vidwan Id- 243414

Detailed Profile

Dr. Shafali Madan Arora
Associate Professor | Ph. D., M.Tech., B.Tech.

[email protected]

Dr Shaifali M. Arora has special interest in the field of Signal, Image and Video Processing, Image Watermarking, Embedded Systems, IoT and Machine Learning Techniques. These paradigms offer immense opportunities in transforming healthcare, marketing, finance, and business.  She has published one patent, various research papers in reputed Journals and International Conferences, Books , Book Chapters in these domains. She has successfully guided one Ph.D scholar as a co-guide in the domain of Image Watermarking. She is a committed person with a positive attitude, desired skills and always keen to learn new techniques/technologies. Dr Shaifali has always remained a meritorious student and got many awards. She has got the Research Excellence award and various Appreciation Awards at our Institute. She has always completed the assigned tasks and responsibilities (whether as a team member or as a Convener) with sheer dedication and responsibility.

Vidwan Id- 243368

Detailed Profile

Dr. Richa Gupta
Associate Professor | Ph. D., M.Tech., B.Tech.

[email protected]

Dr. Richa Gupta ’s research areas include antenna design , Embedded Systems design . She has published several research papers in these domains. She has taught various subjects like Electromagnetic Field theory, Microprocessors & microcontrollers, Analog Electronics, Circuit & Systems etc. during her teaching career.

Vidwan Id- 243479

Detailed Profile

Dr. Aman Kumari Dahiya
Associate Professor | Ph.D, M. Tech., M.B.A., B.E.

[email protected]

Dr. Aman Kumari Dahiya is highly enthusiastic faculty who keep encouraging the students to achieve their potential by her effective teaching and learning skills. She has been working with the institute since 2009 and also served as faculty representative (2020-22) in Governing body of MSIT. She has completed B.E. and M. Tech both in ECE with distinction from MDU, Rohtak and Ph.D. degree in Microwave Engineering in 2019. Her major areas of interest include Artificial Intelligence, designing of Microwave and millimeter-wave Devices, IOT devices etc. She has published more than 45 research papers in various national/ international journals and conferences of repute out of which 08 are SCIE indexed and 05 are SCOPUS indexed. She has also published 3 patents to her credit. She has worked on IEEE MTT-s sponsored research project of USD 1500 on “Reconfigurable Antennadesign for wireless communications devices”. She has authored various books/book chapters withnational/International publishers. She has been guest editors and editors to SCIE indexed and Scopus indexed springer journals. Dr. Aman has also organized 7th national conference AdMet-2021 in the capacity of Co-convener.

Vidwan Id- 243365

Detailed Profile

Dr. Dinesh Sheoran
Associate Professor | Ph. D., M.Tech., B.E.

[email protected]

Dinesh Sheoran (Ph.D. Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun) is an Assistant Professor at  Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology New Delhi. His research interests include biometric and speaker recognition, voice recognition and waste management. He taught subjects like Communication System, Digital Communication, VLSI, Digital Electronics, STLD, and Consumer Electronics.Before joining the faculty at Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, He served at different levels in the electrical and electronics industry.

Vidwan Id- 243571

Detailed Profile

Mr. Deepak Goyal
Assistant Professor | M.Tech., B.E.

[email protected]

Analog & Digital Electronics Application through transistors &  Microcontrollers.

Vidwan Id- 243474

Detailed Profile

Dr. Deepti Deshwal
Assistant Professor | M.Tech., B.E.

[email protected]

Dr. Deepti Deshwal is working in this institute since 2007. She has taught various subjects in her teaching career such as Digital System Design, EMFT, Antenna and Wave Propagation, Communication Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Wireless Communication, Electronic devices and Consumer Electronics. She works on signal processing and machine learning aspects, targeted to mainly speech applications. Her research interests are (i) Automatic Language Identification Systems, Speaker and Speech Recognition Systems (ii) development of robust speech systems, iii) development of appropriate signal processing methods to extract the characteristic features from Indian languages. Dr. Deepti has authored 6 research papers in SCI indexed journals and also contributed papers in various IEEE and Scopus indexed conferences. She has been awarded Research Excellence certificate for outstanding contribution in research in the year 2019.

Vidwan Id- 243367

Detailed Profile

Ms. Neelam Nehra
Assistant Professor | M. Tech.

[email protected]

Ms. Neelam Nehra works in the field of speech processing. She has 13 years of teaching experience and has taught various subjects as Analog Electronics-II, Information theory and  Coding, Electronic Devices, Circuit, and Systems. She is an ISTE member. She is actively involved in Social media activities related to the institute. She has supervised more than 20  B.Tech projects in the field of Machine learning, Deep Learning, and Embedded systems.

Vidwan Id- 243504

Detailed Profile

Dr. Geetanjali Sharma
Assistant Professor | M. Tech.

[email protected]

Ms. Geetanjali Sharma works in the field of Biomedical signal processing, Smart healthcare, and Low power VLSI Systems. She has 14 years of teaching experience and has taught various subjects as VlSI Design, Optical Communication, Digital Signal processing, Electronic Devices and Communication Systems. She has published more than 20 research papers in international peer reviewed journals and International conferences. She is an IEEE and ISTE member. She is actively involved in Industry Institute Interaction activities organised for B.Tech Students. She has supervised more than 20 B.Tech projects in the field of VLSI Design, Artificial intelligence and Embedded systems.

Vidwan Id- 243363

Detailed Profile

Dr. Sakshi Rajput
Assistant Professor | Ph.D, M.Tech, B.E, GATE Qualified

[email protected]

Dr. Sakshi Rajput works in the multidisciplinary area of VLSI and Mobility Management (wireless communication). She has cleared Gate exam in ECE also. She has 10 years of teaching experience and has taught VLSI Design (Analog & Digital), Electronics Instrumentation & Measurement, Digital Electronics, STLD, Embedded System, Analog Electronics in the department of ECE. She has published research papers in several International Journals. She is actively involved to obtain solutions to the problem related to wireless communication between devices with the help of self organizing network, deep neural networking & artificial intelligence. She has always remained a meritorious student and always completed assigned tasks and responsibilities with complete dedication. She is also actively involved in various institutional & departmental activities. She has supervised more than 20 B.Tech projects in the field of VLSI Design & Embedded System.

Vidwan Id- 243483

Detailed Profile

Ms. Nishtha
Assistant Professor | M. Tech., NET Qualified

[email protected]

Ms. Nishtha works in the field of Antenna and Microwave Engineering. Her main areas of research are Antenna for 5G Applications using Dielectric resonator antennas or Graphene antennas. She is working actively to obtain solutions focusing on low-cost, high gain MIMO antennas for futuristic communication. Her main aim is to explore new materials and fabrication techniques in CP and MIMO antennas She has cleared the UGC-NET exam in electronic sciences.

Vidwan Id- 243427

Detailed Profile

Dr. Neetu
Assistant Professor | Ph.D , M.Tech.(RFM), B. Tech.

[email protected]

Dr. Neetu is a professional with an experience of 9+ years in academics. She is working as Assistant Professor in Electronics and communication Engineering Department, MSIT Delhi, India. Her research interests include design and analysis of Dielectric Resonator Antenna, and Microstrip antennas, wideband antennas, reconfigurable, and circular polarized antenna for wireless communication.

Vidwan ID: 243421

Detailed Profile

Dr. Upma Singh
Assistant Professor | M.Tech., B. Tech.

[email protected]

Ms. Upma Singh interests and research areas are power/renewable energy systems, building energy management, intelligent techniques, instrumentation, power electronics and control applications. To pursue her research interest, she is currently working on Modelling and Optimization of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems and Applications.

Vidwan ID: 243613

Detailed Profile

Ms. Jasmine Chhikara
Assistant Professor | M.Tech. (VLSI), B. Tech.

[email protected]

Jasmine works on Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms for manual to automation transition of medical procedures. She particularly leverages Deep Learning (DL) mechanisms in biomedical image analysis. Apart from it, she is profound in analog electronics, microprocessors, microcontrollers, and embedded systems. With her former industrial experience (Cadence Design Systems, Noida), she experts in providing insights of industrial demands to guide students in their future endeavors.

Vidwan ID: 248676

Ms. Prinkle Talan
Assistant Professor | M. Tech. (Signal Processing), B. Tech.

[email protected]

Ms. Garima
Assistant Professor | M. Tech.

[email protected]

Garima has obtained her B.Tech degree and M.Tech degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from GGSIPU, Delhi. Her Research areas includes Digital System Design, VLSI circuits, Low voltage CMOS circuits and EEG Signal Processing. To pursue her research interest in EEG signal processing, she is currently working on Emotion recognition via EEG signals.

Vidwan ID: 243384

Detailed Profile

Ms. Vishakha Tomar
Assistant Professor | M. Tech.

[email protected]

Ms. Vishakha Tomar works in the field of Antenna and Microwave Engineering and is actively involved in the designing of Substrate Integrated Waveguide Antenna for 5g Applications which is an emerging approach for the implementation and integration of microwave and millimeter-wave components and wireless systems. She is working actively to obtain solutions focusing on low-cost and eco-friendly wireless systems. Her main aim is to work on innovative materials and fabrication techniques along with a variety of novel applications.

Vidwan Id- 243453


Detailed Profile

Ms. Suman Lata
Assistant Professor | M. Tech.

[email protected]

Ms. Suman Lata, is a professional with an experience of 10 years in academics in reputed Universities like KUK, MDU. She is highly interested in participating in the development of new interdisciplinary programs of study and highly enthusiastic for research and innovative ideas. She has deep commitment to teaching; excels in research area in Speech Recognition, Embedded Systems. She has also published her work in recognized Journals and conferences.

Vidwan ID: 243372

Detailed Profile

Ms. Anjali Balyan
Assistant Professor | M. Tech.

[email protected]

Anjali Baliyan is a Research-oriented, dedicated professor with wide theoretical and analytical skills. She has worked on "Design & Implementation of Wallace Tree Multiplier and Kogge Stone Adder” on Xilinx ISE Suite 14.7. She is currently building her expertise on antenna and micro waves and intend to gain cognizance on the same.

Vidwan ID: 243318

Detailed Profile

Dr. Neelam Barak
Assistant Professor | Ph.D , M.Tech. (Robotics & Automation)

[email protected]

She works on Optical Microscopy and Instrumentation, Digital Holography and Mechatronics. She has hands-on experience with Optical Instruments, Optical designing software as well as different programming languages like Matlab, Python, LabView etc. She is particularly interested in projects based on development of hardware and software related to image processing techniques in digital microscopy and holography.

Vidwan ID: 243298

Detailed Profile

Ms. Himani
Assistant Professor | M.tech,B.Tech

[email protected]

Ms Himani’s research areas include Wireless communication, Artificial intelligence. She has taught various subjects like Switching theory and logic design, Communication systems, Digital communication, Microprocessors & microcontrollers, during her teaching career. Currently working on Speech processing domain and Machine learning.

Vidwan ID - 243352

Detailed profile

Ms. Sonia
Assistant Professor | M. Tech.

[email protected]

Sonia Malik is a professional with an experience of more than 7 years in academics in reputed universities like KUK, BPSMV . She is a motivated and talented ECE professor driven to inspire students to pursue academic and personal excellence. She has taught various subjects like Network Analysis and Synthesis, Microprocessor and Microcontroller,Electronics devices, Satellite communication etc. during her teaching career. She has worked on reduction of blocking artifacts using signal adaptive weighted sum technique (SAWS) based on fuzzy logic in the field of Image processing.

Vidwan Id: 282015

Detailed Profile

Ms. Neha
Assistant Professor | M.Tech,B.Tech

[email protected]

I have done my B.Tech from Northern India Engineering College(GGSIPU) in 2013 intheECE branch and my M.Tech from the University School of Information, Communication, and Technology(GGSIPU) in 2017 in the ECE branch. I have a total work experience of about one and a half years. During which I taught various subjects like Electronic Devices and circuits, communication systems, wireless communication, Digital system design, Digital signal processing, etc. I worked on tanner and Xilinx ISE for VLSI design. Also worked on MATLAB for projects related to VANET (vehicular ad-hoc network). Some work is also done in the field ofmicrowave and antenna using HFSS software.

Vidwan Id - 282124

Detailed profile





S.No. Name of the Staff Member Designation
1 Ms. Pratibha Tech. Assistant
2 Sh. Gurdev Singh Tech. Assistant
3 Sh. Nitin Rathi Tech. Assistant
4 Sh. Pramesh Kumar Tech. Assistant
5 Sh. Padam Chand Tech. Assistant
6 Sh. Satendra Singh Tech. Assistant
7 Mr. Vijay Kumar Tech. Assistant

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