A self-financing unit of NSS under GGSIPU NSS Cell was formed in Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology on 19th Sept 2019. National Service Scheme (NSS) is a voluntary and value-based student youth programme which was launched in 1969 by ministry of Youth Affairs and sports in pursuance of one of the recommendations of the Education Commission. NSS aims at the personality and character development of students in school and college.


NSS Volunteer Enrollment Link MSIT Janakpuri

NSS Manual

Student work Diary FAQ


For any queries, email [email protected] 



Cerebrate: Cultivating Intellectual Discourse and Logical Reasoning


As the name suggests, Cerebrate embodies the spirit of intellectual engagement—bringing together individuals who exercise the cerebral faculties of their brains to explore and analyze the abstract. This society, a haven for technically-inclined and inquisitive minds, serves as the debating society of MSIT. Established in 2016, it holds the distinction of being the only consistently active and well-functioning debating society within the IPU ecosystem.


If we have piqued your interest, allow us to introduce you to our soc:


Our Vision and Objectives


Fostering Intellectual Engagement

Cerebrate provides a platform for individuals to immerse themselves in thought-provoking discussions on diverse topics, including but not limited to art, politics, international relations, philosophy, sociology, feminism, and speculative themes like alternate realities. Our approach is rooted in logic and analysis, ensuring discussions remain unbiased and constructive. This commitment to objectivity fosters the emergence of novel ideas and broadens participants' intellectual horizons, sharpening their critical thinking skills.


Instilling the True Essence of Debating

We aim to redefine the art of debating by dispelling the myth that it is merely about loud, forceful articulation. Debating, as we envision it, is an exercise in listening attentively and expressing thoughts in a structured, concise, and impactful manner. By teaching our members to frame their arguments with clarity and logical rigor, we empower them to communicate effectively and persuasively. A debate, in essence, is about convincing others through reasoned discourse, not sheer volume.


Creating an Inclusive and Safe Space

Cerebrate takes pride in cultivating a safe and egalitarian environment where everyone is treated with respect, irrespective of their background, knowledge base, ideology, or belief system. Here, every participant is encouraged to voice their opinions freely, fostering discussions that are open, unbiased, and devoid of personal prejudices. We emphasize the importance of judging ideas on their own merit, independent of their proponents, promoting a culture of intellectual fairness.


Providing Competitive Exposure

Beyond intellectual engagement, we aim to prepare our members for competitive platforms. Debating in a structured, competitive setting hones their skills, sharpens their intellect, and equips them to excel in the broader arena of intellectual contests.


What We Do and How We Achieve It


Teaching Parliamentary Debating Formats

We train students in the intricacies of parliamentary debating, encompassing both the Asian and British Parliamentary formats. These globally recognized and highly competitive formats demand a blend of quick thinking, logical reasoning, and eloquent articulation. By mastering these, our members gain the skills necessary to engage in debates of the highest caliber, both nationally and internationally.


Participation in National and International Tournaments

Cerebrate actively participates in prestigious debate tournaments across the country and beyond. Our senior members mentor and guide freshers, encouraging them to step onto these competitive platforms. Such opportunities enable our members to interact with debaters from diverse backgrounds, fostering cross-cultural exchanges and a broader understanding of global perspectives.


Organizing In-House Events and Competitions

We host a variety of events throughout the year to nurture the debating culture within MSIT:


- Senatus: Our annual curated debating competition that serves as a platform for showcasing exceptional debating talent.

Intra-Cerebrate: An internal tournament designed to foster camaraderie and healthy competition among society members.

- Khadi Gram Debate: A unique debate emphasizing socially relevant themes with a creative twist.

- Athena Parliamentary Debate, Annual Flagship Tournament: Our flagship event, the Athena Parliamentary Debate, is an international-level tournament that has garnered participation from across India and the globe. With over 60 speakers and 25 distinguished judges in attendance, Athena has become a prestigious platform for intellectual exchange and high-stakes debating. This event reflects our commitment to excellence and our ability to organize world-class debating forums.


By intertwining education, competition, and inclusivity, Cerebrate aspires to nurture a generation of thinkers and debaters who can articulate their ideas with clarity, challenge biases, and engage in meaningful discourse.

Email: [email protected], [email protected] 

Instagram: @debsoc.msit 





Established in 2009, IEEE MSIT, a dedicated Student Branch of IEEE, focuses on enhancing technical skills and promoting IEEE engagement among MSIT students. The branch guides undergraduates in shaping career goals, developing technical expertise, and building a professional network. Activities include hands-on workshops in Robotics, Arduino, Web development, and Android. 

The "Technical Project Exhibition," a flagship event, features distinguished speakers like Dr Kiran Bedi, Mr Bharat Sethi, and Ms Rashmi Anand, contributing to a rich learning experience.


IEEE MSIT has 3 Chapters and 1 affinity group under it: Computer Society (CS), Power and Energy Society (PES), Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), and Women in Engineering (WiE).

CS advances tech through workshops on Data mining, Networking, Web Development, and Augmented reality.

PES shares insights on electrical power via seminars and workshops, encouraging projects like door lock systems and solar lighting.

RAS facilitates knowledge exchange with workshops on Antenna Fabrication, Electromagnetism quizzes, BOT making, webinars, and Arduino workshops.

WIE empowers women through STAR initiatives, interactive school sessions, and events on Breast Cancer Awareness and Self-Defence.



- IEEE MSIT, dedicated to maximizing the benefits of IEEE for its student members, operates through a strategic framework that includes Special Interest Groups (SIGs).


Special Interest Groups (SIGs): 

- IEEE MSIT boasts 13 SIGs, providing a collaborative space for individuals with shared interests.

- These SIGs serve as dynamic platforms, facilitating collaboration and exploration within fields such as Deep Learning, Machine Learning using Python, Cyber Security, Android, IoT using Raspberry Pi, Embedded Systems, Designing, and Video Editing.

- Crafted with precision, these SIGs impart practical knowledge, granting students a unique and artful edge in their learning journey.


Achievements and Representation: 

- IEEE MSIT's influence extends to national and international platforms, exemplified by its participation in prestigious events like the IEEE European Microwave Conference in Paris, France, and the R10 (Asia Pacific) Student-WIE-YP Congress 2015.

-IEEE MSIT hosted software engineer Mohammad Fraz on 19th April 2023, who emphasized practical coding skills and insights from his experiences at Google and Cure. fit, fostering an interactive session for students.

-IEEE MSIT hosted Tech Day on March 27, 2023, inviting Love Babbar and Lakshay Kumar to guide freshmen on excelling in the field of tech.

-IEEE MSIT conducted its annual flagship tech fest, "Avensis," on April 19-20, 2023, featuring various competitions for students to participate in.

-IEEE MSIT celebrated IEEE Day on October 9, 2023, inviting eminent personalities like Yash Garg (Founder of Apna College) and Parikh Jain (Founder of Propeers and Founding member of Coding Ninjas) to enlighten students about the tech field.

Individual Member Achievements: 

- Deepali Jain secured the Richard E. Mervin Student Scholarship and Grace Hopper Celebration India Student Scholarship in 2017.

- Mr. Yashraj Garg, a member, attended the Writing Sessions Meeting organized by the IEEE Standards Association in Germany in October 2019, fully funded by IEEE.


Awards and Recognition (2022): 


Akriti Gupta & Ashish Kapoor: Outstanding Student Volunteer Awards.

Apoorv Arora & Brayan Abraham: Recognized for academic performance and contributions.


2019 - 2020 

Yashraj Garg, J Ashwin Nair, and others: Multiple Outstanding Volunteer Awards, participation in technical challenges. 


2020 - 2021 

J Ashwin Nair: Continued recognition, including the J.K. Pal Memorial Award. 

Yukti Mohan, Rakshit Satija, and others: Awards for volunteering and contributions in specific areas. 


2021- 2022 

1. Paras Jain: Outstanding WIE Student Volunteer Award. 

2. Akansha Mahesh Pant & Others: Winners in competitions and selected as delegates for events. 

3. J Ashwin Nair was distinguished with the IEEE R10 SAC Outstanding Volunteer Award.

4. Prerna Sherawat's contributions were honoured with the Dr. J.K. Pal Memorial Award.



Saumya Taneja: Outstanding WIE Student Volunteer and Delhi SSN WIE Coordinator

Abhinav Pandey: Dr. J.K. Pal Memorial Award

Kshitij Saxena: Outstanding Student Volunteer Award. 



Piyush Singh, Aman Kumar, and Pranjal: Appointed as Ambassadors for IEEE Day and Xtreme events. 

Krish Gupta: Chief Organizer for Avensis 2023.

IEEE MSIT: Received Special Recognition of Outstanding Student Branch Award in the Asia Pacific Region by IEEE R10

IEEE MSIT: Won the first prize in the IEEE Day Photo Contest (in the STEM category) on the occasion of IEEE Day 2023.


Other achievements:

1. Dr Vimal Haur and Dr Poonam Bansal, former Branch Counsellors, received the R10 Outstanding Branch Counsellor award in 2012 and 2015, respectively.

2. IEEE MSIT has been honoured with the Darrel Chong Student Activity Award in 2013 and 2015 for organizing student activities.

3. The IEEE MSIT Student Branch was awarded the Best Branch Presentation Award at the Delhi Section Congress 2019.

4. IEEE MSIT PES achieved consistent excellence, securing a rank in the Top 20 PES Student Branch Chapters in Region 10 for three consecutive years.

5. In 2022, IEEE MSIT PES achieved an outstanding rank of 17 in Region 10 and secured the top position in the Delhi Section.

6. Dr. Anupama Kaushik received the Outstanding Branch Counsellor Award.

7. Dr Jyoti Jain was honoured with the Outstanding Engineer Award, IEEE PES, for her chapter advising for 2020-21 activities at IEEE MSIT PES.

8. The student members have consistently secured the Outstanding Student Volunteer Award for five consecutive years, the Dr. J.K. Pal Memorial Award for four consecutive years, and the Outstanding WiE Student Volunteer Award in 2018 and 2020.

9. Success in competitions such as Google CodeJam, ACM_ICPC, and CodeChef Snackdown highlights the members' prowess.


Continued Excellence and Legacy: 

- These recent awards complement a legacy of achievement. IEEE MSIT members have consistently secured the Outstanding Student Volunteer Award, Dr. J.K. Pal Memorial Award, and Outstanding WiE Student Volunteer Award for multiple years.

- Organizational awards, such as the Outstanding Chapter Performance Award in 2016 and the Best Branch Presentation Award at the Delhi Section Congress 2019, underscore IEEE MSIT's dedication to excellence.



IEEE MSIT Branch Counselor: Dr. Anupama Kaushik (Associate Professor, IT)

IEEE MSIT CS Chapter Advisor: Dr. Pooja Kherwa (Assistant Professor, CSE)

IEEE MSIT PES Chapter Advisor: Dr. Jyoti Jain (Associate Professor, EEE)

IEEE MSIT RAS Chapter Advisor: Dr. Anshul Pareek (Assistant Professor, ECE)

IEEE MSIT Chairperson: Krish Gupta, IT ([email protected])

Link to the IEEE MSIT website: http://ieee.msit.in/

e-mail: [email protected]

IEEE MSIT Social Media:

IEEE MSIT Instagram


The National Innovation & Start-up Policy of MSIT, also known as, “NISP” is an initiative ready to support the startup culture at Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, New Delhi.

Our sole aim is to inspire the new entrepreneur, solopreneur & wantrepreneur. We help students to learn to convert their dreams into an action plan. We at MSIT have made sure that innovative minds get all the needed resources, support, and help to climb the stairs of success. We've always put in adequate efforts to give proper room for entrepreneurship, innovation, and ideas to bloom. Entrepreneurship workshops, Esummit, Seminars, and industrial visits have been our top priority to bridge the gap.

We've always worked for this and will continue to do the same irrespective of the outcomes because our success is determined by the efforts we put in not the output we get. or this we keep on organizing sessions by industry experts, entrepreneurs and internship drives to help everyone put their skills to practice.

We would love to nurture entrepreneurs of this new era, we work together as a family to build something for the community and make a profitable business out of it. We at NISP MSIT invites future entrepreneur to be a part of our program.


Delhi Government's Startup Policy
Central Government's Startup Policy


eCell MSIT Convener: Dr. Neeru Rathee (Associate Professor, ECE)



The national inauguration of E-Yantra Laboratory at Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, Janakpuri, New Delhi was done on 9th January 2023 in online mode by the E-Yantra Team of IIT Bombay, headed by Prof. Kavi Arya (the Principal Investigator, e-Yantra Project, IIT Bombay) under aegis of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. ELSI Lab, acronymed as E-Yantra, is a Robotics outreach project funded by the Ministry of Education and hosted by IIT- Bombay. The goal is to harness the talent of young engineers to solve problems using technology across a variety of domain such as agricultural, manufacturing, defense, home, smart city maintenance and service industries. e-Yantra lab assures for providing a platform to the interested students to design and develop robotics based innovations in future.

Team Leader: Dr. Priyanka Nandal (Associate Professor, CSE)
Email: [email protected]



TechSoc, the technical society of MSIT was formed by the amalgamation of various technical clubs pre-existent in the college. This was done to channelize the scattered efforts and to provide a common platform which catered to the technical needs of the students.


Under the able guidance and support of our conveners Ms. Kavita Sheoran (Assoc. Professor) and Ms. Nishtha Jatana(Asst. Professor), the society aims to flourish and continue with providing ample opportunities for the betterment of the students.

TechSoc serves it's audience by organizing various events in the form of speaker sessions, technical seminars and hands-on workshops on subjects from various domains. Some of them are as follows:

1. “Informative Seminar on Google Summer of Code” provided students with a complete guideline on participating and completing this coveted open source program.                                                                                                            

2. In the session “Industrial Analysis on IoT and Embedded Systems” students were provided with a roadmap to enter this field, enlightened on future opportunities in IoT and role of embedded systems in various domains.                                                    

3. Another successful event was a two day “Hands-on workshop on Git and Github” where in two 2-hour sessions around 50-60 attendees were addressed. Students from knowing nothing about Git and Github were able to comfortably use it without any problem.

4. Apart from these there have been sessions on concepts like “Career in Computer Science”, “Introduction to Data Science”, “Robotics” and online sessions on “Android Development”.

Another initiative in this direction is the Mentor-Mentee program which involves courses like web development, learning python etc. Each course involves learning technologies, using online resources, with weekly graded assignments being given by the mentors.

We aim that the associates always have a technically enriching time with TechSoc.


Convener: Dr. Kavita Sheoran (Associate Professor, CSE), Dr. Nishtha Jatana (Assistant Professor, CSE)


                    OCTAVE.pdf                                   AARAMBH.pdf                                                                                            ASTITVA.pdf

In the assembly of the 'to-be-engineers' who tirelessly deal with codes and circuits, there exist a group of people, together called as MUTANTS CULTURAL SOCIETY, who've got an ardent love for cultural activities.

Mutants Cultural Society is a collective of Four Societies – OCTAVE Music Society, AARAMBH Dramatics Society, UNITY Street Dance Crew and ASTITVA Dance Society. All these societies work hand in hand with each other and as a part of MUTANTS always work for the betterment of the cultural scenario as well as for the upliftment of various talented students of MSIT.

With a constant support and motivation from the college administration and faculty, the society aims to have well planned, well prepared cultural team in MSIT. From regular training and practice sessions, to each rigorous jamming period, the determination of MSITians, becomes evident from their stage performances in various institutions.


e-mail: [email protected]


Mutants Convener

Dr. Anju Singh Dhillon (Assistant Professor, Applied Sciences - 2nd shift), [email protected]

Ms. Deeba Naqvi (Assistant Professor, Applied Sciences - 1st shift), [email protected]

Student Coordinator

J Ashwin Nair (7065599126, [email protected])

Student Head:

OCTAVE J Ashwin Nair 7065599126     [email protected]
AARAMBH Tanmay Mittal, Janeshtha Vahi 9560125650, 9953869479 [email protected], [email protected]
UNITY Divyansha Dhawan 9810921666 [email protected]
ASTITVA Kartik Kaushik 7503588797 [email protected]


A mob of intrigued intellectuals, Veda is the ‘crème-de-la-crème’ of interactive societies where a diverse group of individuals, with a huge armamentarium of niche interests, work towards a common goal, which is to gain more knowledge.

Beginning as a small group of people interested in quizzing, we’ve grown to become a recognized and successful society whose events are attended and appreciated by quizzers across Delhi.

Our aim is to develop an interest in quizzing among the students and create a platform that fosters an environment for all quizzing enthusiasts to grow and learn. The members of our society bond over their curiosity and their shared passion for quizzing. Even the most fleeting of looks at our Whatsapp group will prove this statement. Students are constantly sharing questions relating to their favourite genres and others are busy geeking out on its details. This interaction between the curious, and the intellectuals, allows for a highly intuitive environment which in turn allows for collective growth among society members.

We have had numerous experiences worth mentioning as we have won a staggering 100+ podiums since the advent of our society including the hat trick we achieved in 2018 of winning a podium at the IPU Anugoonj Annual Quiz Competition. It’s really tough to emerge victorious among 120-130 teams and we did it thrice in a row, and that is something we will always cherish.

Our society welcomes any and every kind of knowledge. Be it a Movie/TV shows fanatic, a Sports enthusiast, a Marvel/DC geek, a Biz fiend, an Information junkie, a Literature aficionado, a tech expert or a History buff, Veda is the society that is open for all who are curious. You will gain knowledge and will learn how to apply that knowledge in quizzing or in real life.

To know more about us you can follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/vedaqs) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/vedathequiz/ ). In case of any queries, you can also email us at [email protected]
Teacher-in-charge: Dr Sudesh Pahal (Assoc. Prof., ECE)



Prakriti, the environmental and humanitarian society of MSIT, was founded on 3rd March 2010. It aims at promoting environmental as well as social consciousness, awareness and responsibility amongst the college youth and the populace. 

Prakriti organises a multitude of events both in the online and offline arenas such as campaigns, drives, competitions, camps, workshops, seminars, webinars and online series in an attempt to engage the maximum population in its endeavours. Clothes, food and books donation, donation for flood victims, Blood Donation Camp and ENVA are notable yearly events that Prakriti organises. 

With an active online following in quadruple digits and a team of over 100 enthusiastic members, Prakriti stands as one of the most eminent societies of MSIT.


ENVA is the annual cultural extravaganza of MSIT. It is organised by Prakriti MSIT every year. From dancing, debating and street plays to open mics, blind-dating and gaming events, ENVA has over 15 events in a span of 2 days - everything one can ask for! 

Humans of MSIT (HOMSIT) is a photo blog about students of MSIT. It marked its inception in the year 2018 and is handled by Prakriti MSIT. It delineates the stories of students and teachers and showcases it to inspire the masses to live with ever-enduring zest. 

Teacher-in-Charge: Dr. Savita Ahlawat (Associate Professor, CSE)
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://prakriti.msit.in
















Geek Room at Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology is a thriving tech society with a mission to empower individuals in learning coding and technology from the ground up. The society is a dynamic hub of innovation, education, and collaboration, serving as a platform for students to dive into the world of technology and hone their skills.

The key objectives of the society encompass a wide range of activities:-

  • Fostering Coding Culture
  • Educational Workshops
  • Hackathons
  • Resource Sharing

Faculty Coordinators: - Prof. Rinky Dwivedi and Dr. Vimal Gaur, CSE Department.
Student Coordinators: Arnav Gupta (IT), Pratham Batra (IT) and Manas Chopra (CSE)
E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]


Welcome to BROADCAST MSIT: Shaping the Digital Landscape at Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology At MSIT, innovation is our cornerstone, and BROADCAST MSIT embodies that spirit by embracing the limitless possibilities of media and communication. We are delighted to introduce you to our dynamic student society that leads the way in media exploration, production, and dissemination.

About Us
At BROADCAST MSIT, we are more than just a student society. We are a creative hub, a platform, and a network that thrives on media innovation. Our name signifies our commitment to the world of media, as we broadcast our passion for storytelling, communication, and technology.

Our Work
BROADCAST MSIT is your one-stop destination for all things media-related. We excel in a diverse range of media work, which includes:
 Filming: We capture the essence of life, events, and experiences through our lenses, turning moments into timeless memories.
 Posting: Our digital-savvy team knows how to make your content stand out on various platforms, ensuring your message reaches the right audience.
 Podcasting: We dive into the world of audio storytelling, engaging our audience with thought-provoking conversations, stories, and discussions.
 Event Coverage: We're the storytellers of your college events, providing a comprehensive visual and narrative coverage.
 College Media Handling: BROADCAST MSIT takes pride in managing and curating the college's digital presence, ensuring every milestone is captured and shared.
 YouTube Management: We oversee and enrich the college's YouTube channel, offering a space for creative expression, learning, and collaboration.


Faculty Coordinators
 Dr. Aman Kumari Dahiya
Associate Professor | Ph.D., M. Tech., M.B.A., B.E.
 Mr. Sachit Rathee
Assistant Professor | M. Tech
Student Coordinators
 Aman Dhingra (CSE) (87005 81012)
 Geetikrishna Bal (EEE)
 Sambhav Suri (CSE)

To know more about us, follow our journey, and stay updated with our latest media endeavours, connect with us on

INSTAGRAM - https://instagram.com/broadcastmsit?igshid=MzMyNGUyNmU2YQ==

YOUTUBE - https://youtube.com/@broadcastmsit?feature=shared
LINKEDIN - https://www.linkedin.com/company/broadcast-msit/
E-MAIL – [email protected]


destination for incredible sessions and events! Here, you'll learn from experts, seniors, and peers and grow through their mistakes,
experiences, successes, and failures. We're here to guide and prepare you for whatever challenges lie ahead. Brace yourself for a
thrilling journey filled with exciting and amazing opportunities! 🚀🌟
Here are some attractive servings we offer which you won't be able to say no to! :
- Microsoft Office visits for amazing cohorts and guidance sessions for various tech stacks.
- We provide you with our mentors who are already acing it at Microsoft and will guide you on how to reach there yourself through
various Microsoft Internships and Full Time Opportunities.
- Guidance for various Microsoft Student Programs.
- You get to be a part of amazing Microsoft and MLSA events.
So what are you waiting for?
Join us and be a part of this amazing team of your interests with both technical and non-technical domains!
MLSA Student Chapter MSIT Convener: Dr Meena Rao(Associate Professor, ECE)
MLSA Student Chapter MSIT Member: Dr. Parul Chaudhary(Assistant Professor, CSE)

MLSA Student Chapter MSIT Student Lead: Anusha Tomar
MLSA Student Chapter MSIT Student Lead: Ved Mohan

Connect With Us Here: https://bit.ly/3FTrLEU
Our Email:- [email protected]





Google Developer Groups at Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology is the student division of the Google Developer Groups , New Delhi . It is a very well-versed student division setup by Google with a central focus on fostering young and talented individuals in the field of technology.


Google Developer Groups (GDGs) are communities of developers and technologists who meet to learn, grow, and connect:


Learning: GDGs offer a variety of learning opportunities, including technical topics, hands-on workshops, training, events, talks, and meetups.


Growing: GDGs help members apply their knowledge and connections to build products and advance their skills, career, and network.


Connecting: GDGs help members meet local developers and technologists


All in all , GDG MSIT is the hub of creativity , innovation and development among like-minded tech enthusiasts and developers.





Faculty Coordinators: - Prof. (Dr.) Rinky Dwivedi and Dr. Vimal Gaur, CSE Department.

GDG MSIT Student Lead: Harshita Gupta (CSE ) 

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

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